2019年,捷克攀登者Marek Holecek和Zdenek Hak在此峰西北壁開拓了一條名為UFO的新路線,花了四天登頂,兩天下撤。給了ABO:M6,WI5,2500m的噁爛難度訂級,並以此榮獲當年的金冰斧獎。
"Why did they name their route A l’Ombre du Mensonge (In the Shadow of the Lie)? “Some climbers overstate their accomplishments, consciously or otherwise. Routes in the Himalayas are rarely repeated, so you can only speculate on how hard they actually are”, Charles explains. In fact, their route is very close to the sunny Czech route, which earned its first ascensionists a Piolet d’Or. "